Continuation Work
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Continuation and Completion of previous Action Plans Work
Each triennium, and in addition to WPA's overarching goals and the ongoing work of its various components, a number of projects and programs are initiated by the incoming President to support their Action Plan.
The 2017-2020 term focused on:
WPA's contribution internationally to the representation, reputation, development and knowledge of psychiatry;
The development of operational, project-based work that focuses on critical mental health topics at a global level; and
Attracting new investment to support WPA's work, especially through partnerships and other relationships with organisations that share its objectives.
These three key objectives were realised through a number of programs and initiatives, some of which are highlighted below, all of which will continue development under the 2021-2023 Action Plan. Two of the below programs (those highlighted in red) have been given particular focus in 2021-2023 term through dedicated Working Groups to build on the great work that was achieved in the previous triennium.
Click on the links below to read more.