Coronavirus (COVID-19) Mental Health Resources
As psychiatrists and mental health professionals, we know it is not only the physical effects of COVID-19 that are detrimental for society, but also the mental health effects. As well as supporting people with mental ill health, supporting everybody’s mental health is key.
Below you will find a number of trusted sources and resources in a variety of languages to help guide your response to the mental health challenges our communities are faced with as we deal with COVID-19.
We know people are looking for the best available information while having to act in the face of uncertainty and our goal is to build a library of information that will be helpful to you as we navigate this together. We invite you to share with us any updates, tools, tips and resources you might have and we will add them here*.
This page will be updated as we receive more and new information. You can submit any resources developed by your own organisation here. We encourage you to bookmark this page and check back regularly.
Scroll down to explore our full list of resources or jump to your area of interest using the menu below.
Resources from Trusted Partners
Resources from World Psychiatry, the official journal of the WPA
Resources from WPA Sections, Standing Committees & Working Groups
Resources from Trusted Partners
World Health Organization (WHO)
Latest: Doing what matters in times of stress: an illustrated guide
Mental health and psychosocial considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak
Coping with stress during COVID-19
Helping children cope with stress during COVID-19
Social stigma associated with COVID-19
Click here (Powerpoint presentation)
For sharing on your social media channels
For questions about additional translations in the pipeline of these materials, or for translation requests, please contact Grazia Motturi at motturig@who.int
Social Media Live Q and A Interview with WHO on coping with stressors related to COVID-19
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WHO/status/1237372330696798208?s=20
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WHO/videos/819204905251053/
IASC Interim Briefing Note Addressing Mental Health and Psychosocial (MHPSS) aspects of COVID-19 Outbreak (developed by the IASC’s Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, which is co-chaired by WHO)
Translations of this document and information about translations in the pipeline can be found at the above link. For further information about translations of this document, please contact Maya Bachet at Maya.bachet@warchild.nl
Supplementary orientation slides
Information note on inclusion of COVID-19 MHPSS activities in humanitarian and country response plans
Managing Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Resources from the WHO
WHO guidance on "Mental health and psychosocial considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak" as part of risk communication and community engagement technical guidance for COVID-19 response.
Q&A about COVID-19 with Aiysha Malik from the Department of Mental Health on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Additional Mental Health Resources related to COVID-19 relevant to GCPN Members
United Nations Inter-Agency Standing Committee Reference Group for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support: Briefing Note on Mental Health and Psychosocial Aspects of COVID-19
International Council of Nurses: Press release on mental health and psychosocial support for clinicians during COVID-19.
Updated Information from the World Health Organization about COVID-19
COVID-19 general website with country and technical guidance, tips to protect yourself, trainings on COVID-19 preparedness, travel advice, and more
COVID-19 news and COVID-19 situation reports with up-to-date announcements
Strategic preparedness and response plan for COVID-19 to support national preparedness and response to the epidemic
COVID-19 course series for health professionals on responding to COVID-19
COVID-19 Social media cards: Please share via your social channels or retweet from WHO channels.
The Inter-Agency Standing Committee
My Hero is You, Storybook for Children on COVID-19 (available in more than 75 languages)
European Psychiatric Association (EPA)
This page contains links to high-quality, and mostly pan-European, COVID-19 resources for both health professionals and the general public.
Human Rights in Mental Health – Federation Global Initiative on Psychiatry (FGIP)
FGIP has developed a number of instruction sheets for management of mental health as related to COVID-19
Information for Directors of Residential Care Facilities (English)
Information for Clients in Social Care Homes (English)
Information for Directors of Residential Care Facilities (Russian)
Information for Clients in Social Care Homes (Russian)
Information for Directors of Residential Care Facilities (Ukrainian)
Information for Clients in Social Care Homes (Ukrainian)
Information for Directors of Outpatient Care (Ukrainian)
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Managing mental health during coronavirus - people around the world share insights from the World Economic Forum
Johns Hopkins University
Coronavirus COVID-19 global cases map, Public Health On Call COVID-19 podcasts
The Lancet
COVID-19 Scientific Resource Centre
Article: The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it: rapid review of the evidence
Collaborative Initiatives (Webinar Series)
The Lancet Psychiatry, Mental Health Innovation Network, MHPSS.net and United for Global Mental Health are launching a series of weekly webinars designed to provide policy makers and the wider health community with the latest evidence on the impact of COVID-19 on mental health and how to address it. Use the link below to see the upcoming program:
Novel Coronavirus Information Centre (English)
Centre d’information sur le nouveau coronavirus (Francais)
Mind Specialists
COVID-19 and Mental Health (Resources by Mind Specialists)
A range of resources from Mind Specialists including the following:
Social Media and Website Links (English and Hindi)
Videos on Mental Health & COVID-19 (English)
Videos on Mental Health & COVID-19 (Hindi)
Resources from World Psychiatry, the official journal of the WPA
Addressing mental health needs: an integral part of COVID-19 response (Ghebreyesus)
Adaptation of evidence-based suicide prevention strategies during and after the COVID-19 pandemic (Wasserman)
COVID-19 health anxiety (Tyrer)
Hikikomori: a hidden mental health need following the COVID-19 pandemic (Rooksby)
COVID-19 and psychiatrists’ responsibilities: a WPA position paper (Stewart)
Anxiety and depression among general population in China at the peak of the COVID-19 epidemic (Li)
Preventing suicide in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic (McIntyre)
The retention challenge in remote therapy and learning seen through the lens of the COVID-19 pandemic (Aboujaoude)
Differential impact of COVID-related lockdown on mental health in Germany (Ahrens)
Enabling a youth- and mental health-sensitive greener post-pandemic recovery (Berry)
Prioritizing COVID-19 vaccination for people with severe mental illness (De Hert)
Learning from the global response to COVID-19 to accelerate innovation in mental health trials (Geddes)
Post-traumatic stress disorder in the aftermath of COVID-19 pandemic (Greenberg)
Mental health problems among COVID-19 survivors in Wuhan, China (Mei)
Psychiatric symptoms and cognitive impairment in “Long COVID”: the relevance of immunopsychiatry (Penninx)
Some good news for psychiatry: resource allocation preferences of the public during the COVID-19 pandemic (Schomerus)
Patients with schizophrenia are under-vaccinated for COVID-19: a report from Israel (Tzur Bitan)
In addition to the above, a compiled list of COVID-related papers published in World Psychiatry can be found here.
Resources from WPA Sections, Standing Committees & Working Groups
Standing Committee on Ethics and Review
WPA Position Statement on Psychiatry and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Early Career Psychiatrists Section
An initiative of Editor, Tando Melapi, this Special Issue Newsletter from WPA's ECP Section includes contributions from numerous early career psychiatrists across the globe, sharing their experiences of living and working during this pandemic.
Section on Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Mental Health of Healthcare Personnel during Quarantine for Infectious Epidemic--Real-time Data
Section on Suicidology
Suicide Prevention During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence-Based Recommendations 2020
Превенция суицидов во время и после пандемии COVID-19 (Рекомендации, основанные на доказательствах)
Section on Religion, Spirituality and Psychiatry
COVID-19 and Mental Health (Resources by Mind Specialists)
Contributions from WPA 2021-23 Action Plan Working Groups
Advice for managing the COVID-19 outbreak and the associated factors of mental distress for people with intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorder with high and very high support needs
Public Mental Health Briefing on COVID-19 - Prepared by Public Mental Health Working Group
Addressing the public mental health challenge of COVID-19 - Article published online Lancet Psychiatry 2020
COVID-19 and intellectual disability/autism spectrum disorder with high and very high support needs: issues of physical and mental vulnerability - Prepared by Intellectual Disabilities & Autism Working Group
Mental health planning at a very early stage of the COVID-19 crisis: a systematic review of online international strategies and recommendations - Prepared by Intellectual Disabilities & Autism Working Group
Resources organised by Country and Region of Origin
The Africa Mental Health Research and Training Foundation (AMHRTF) is working with other organisations to develop recommendations for Parliament on the psychosocial response to the COVID-19.
Recommendations on the psychosocial response to COVID-19
Argentina (Asociación de Psiquiatras Argentinos)
The main source of information should always be the National Sanitary Authority, in our case, the National Ministry of Health. Other sources are less reliable in the middle of a sanitary crisis.
There are two basic aspects in the management of a Pandemic like this. The first one being the epidemic technical handling, and the second one being the mass communication side. In the latter aspect, the role of psychiatrists is essential in building a message that generates awareness instead of generalised fear. The choice of the right words and metaphors is one of the most delicate tasks at the moment.
It is urgent to bring back the ability to think, that is, to carry out a critical analysis of the information received. Serenity is needed to achieve this. Serenity to think, responsibility to take care of all of us.
The main goal of restrictive measures is to isolate the virus, but not the population subjectivity. We need to encourage solidarity. Measures of due care are thought to take care of all, not to leave aside or discriminate.
It is essential to help people to understand the temporal dimension of crisis. It is not the end of the world, but a critical situation with a beginning and an end.
As physicians, we need to ensure that our public words are help to understand basic sanitary concepts. At the same time, we should keep in mind that coronavirus is not the only sanitary problem worldwide, just the most urgent in this context.
We also need to inform that in this situation ER Services should not be collapsed, any given telephone numbers should be used for a preliminary triage.
Comunicación DURANTE LA PANDEMIA COVID-19 (Espanol)
Australia (Various Sources)
A selection of COVID-19 Mental Health support information and resources
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP)
This page provides regularly updated information about the RANZCP response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please continue to check this page as the situation changes.
Brazil (Various Sources)
The following training materials for psychologists and psychiatrists to attend COVID-19 stress-related disorders were prepared by the Brazilian scientific community including Brazil's main universities as well as key players in Brazilian Psychiatry's academic community. Included are manuals for low symptomatic individuals (psychoeducation protocols with and without video support) and for highly symptomatic individuals (brief cognitive-behavioral therapy and interpersonal therapy 4-session manuals). While the referenced videos are not included here, they are easily accessed at the following website: https://sites.google.com/hcpa.edu.br/telepsi
The following documents are in Portuguese:
Manual Telepsicoeducação com vídeos
Manual Telepsicoeducação sem vídeos
Manual Telepsicoterapia Cognitivo-Comportamental
Manual Telepsicoterapia Interpessoal
Canada (Various Sources)
Mental Health Commission of Canada COVID-19 resources:
Centres for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH):
Anxiety Canada (charity, with coping resources):
Complete Mental Health Guide During COVID-19 Pandemic
Recommendations for Toronto Region Inpatient Psychiatric Units
Chinese Society of Psychiatry, Psychiatric Hospital Branch of Chinese Hospital Association, Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, Society of Mental Health, Chinese Psychiatrist Association, Chinese Society of Neuroscience & Psychiatry.
Expert recommendations on managing pathway and coping strategies for patients with mental disorders during prevention and control of the outbreak of a serious infectious disease (COVID-19) published in Chinese Journal of Psychiatry.
http://rs.yiigle.com/yufabiao/1188724.htm (English)
(Special administrative region of China) - Hong Kong (The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists)
Mental wellbeing tips for healthcare workers of COVID-19 patients (Chinese/中文)
Prevention of infectious outbreaks in mental health services (Chinese/中文)
National guideline on mental health interventions for current crises in China (Chinese/中文)
We have seen the panic that has ensued across the globe over the supply of daily amenities and disinfectant products. Many people are being asked to “self-isolate” and “quarantine” increasing the likelihood of feelings of anxiety and isolation.
Mental health issues can also lead to increased risks of infection due to failure to identify symptoms of COVID-19 early and seek proper assessment and care. They can reduce or bias a person’s awareness about public health advice on prevention of COVID-19.
Mental health facilities are high-risk areas of cross-infection where there is limited vigilance by staff working in mental health facilities, and a lack of personal protective equipment.
Patients and carers suffering from COVID-19, people under quarantine arrangements, and healthcare workers caring for the above groups are vulnerable groups for mental health problems. They need active support in enhancing their mental health resilience, enhancing access to assessment and possibly interventions utilising the telephone or/and internet technology.
Practical tips on enhancing mental health resilience will be valuable for the purpose.
Croatia (Croatian Psychiatric Association)
The Croatian Psychiatric Association (CPA) has issued a number of guidance papers on mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic and has also translated a number of key English language documents into Croatian for its members. The documents may be found in Croatian language here: http://www.psihijatrija.hr/site/?p=3835
In addition, the CPA has also kindly translated some of its own key papers into English to assist a broader audience:
Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) Pandemic - Self-help Strategies to Stay in Good Mental Health (English)
Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) Pandemic and Psychological First Aid - Recommendations for First- liners (English)
France (La Societe De L'information Pscyhiatrique )
"Not the Coronavirus" - a resource for children developed by La Societe De L'information Pscyhiatrique.
The link provided below will take you to a library of documents designed to be read on smartphones, tablets or computers. The resources have been created to support parents and their children in the face of the COVID-19 epidemic. The documents are available for download in French, English, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Armenian. An Arabic version is in progress.
Voici le lien pour le PDF et EPUB ( E-book), téléchargement gratuit
Tous Solidaires Contre L'epidemie Du COVID-19
Préserver le bien-être des soignants pendant l’épidémie de Coronavirus
Que dire aux enfants à propos du Coronavirus (COVID 19) ?
E-book: From Confinement to Deconfinement: New Perspectives in Child Psychiatry
This e-book is open access (free of charge) and deals with the mental health consequences of the lockdown and of the reopening on children and adolescents. It also discusses the way to address these consequences.
Available in both English and Française
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie (DGPPN) has released a guidance paper for psychiatric and psychotherapeutic care during the COVID-19 pandemic. It contains suggestions for general measures of hygiene, management of hospital admission, organisation of hospital wards and therapies, management of hospital discharge as well as for ambulant care. It has furthermore set up a contact form for questions regarding mental health care during the pandemic. Furthermore, DGPPN has given an overview of e-mental-health and other media-based tools that are helpful for providing mental health care during the pandemic and also of current studies that focus on mental health during the pandemic. Moreover, DGPPN has listed tips for maintaining mental health during the pandemic and. It contains suggestions on how to avoid stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms and remain resilient. Apart from that DGPPN has been widely engaged in lobby activities and representation of interests of mental health patients, workers, and institutions towards the government.Further information can be found on our website.
Please find below Greek translations of mental health and COVID-19 documents produced by the APA, CDC and other related agencies. The source of the original file is listed on the bottom of each document.
All documents were translated on behalf of the Greek Medical Association.
Social Stigma associated with COVID-19
Taking Care of your Behavioural Health
Caring for Patients' Mental Health
Coronavirus and Mental Health: Taking care of ourselves
COVID-19 for Providers: Helping People Manage Stress Associated with the COVID-19 Virus Outbreak
Psychological Effects of Quarantine: Leaders
Psychological Effects of Quarantine: Health Professionals
Helping Homebound Children during Coronavirus
Taking Care of Patients During the Coronavirus Outbreak: A Guide for Psychiatrists
Parents and Caregiver Guide to Helping Families Cope with the COVID-19
Best Practices in Videoconferencing-Based Telemental Health
Managing Anxiety and Stress during Coronavirus
Telepsychiatry restrictions and COVID-19
Indian Psychiatric Society
A report on the work of the Indian Psychiatric Society and how it is playing a proactive role in the management of mental health issues in India. The document outlines some of its many activities in this regard:
Indian Psychiatric Society Fights COVID-19: An official report
Positive Mental Health for Healthcare Providers
Mental Health Challenges During COVID-19 Pandemic: Guidance for Psychiatrists
Preventing Suicides during Covid Pandemic- Role of Psychiatrists
Handbook of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry 2020 (1st Edition)
National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences (NIMHANS)
Mental Health in the times of COVID-19 Pandemic: Guidance for General Medical and Specialised Mental Health Care Settings
Mind Specialists
COVID-19 and Mental Health (Resources by Mind Specialists)
A range of resources including the following:
Social Media and Website Links (English and Hindi)
Videos on Mental Health & COVID-19 (English)
Videos on Mental Health & COVID-19 (Hindi)
Italian Psychiatric Association
Recommendations for mental health departments regarding activities and measures during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mental Health Recommendations (PDF)
Italian Society for Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Advice on managing mental distress in people with intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic (PDF in English)
Mental Health in the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Emergency: The Italian Response (PDF in English)
(Reprinted here with the kind permission of the Journal of the American Psychiatric Association)
www.covidfeelgood.com web site: offering an easy weekly VR protocol to reduce the psychological burden of the Coronavirus: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/CYBER.2020.29183.gri
Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology || Information on COVID-19
“Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences”, the official journal of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology has just published a virtual issue on “Mental health issues associated with COVID-19 outbreak".
Shigemura J, Ursano RJ, Morganstein JC, Kurosawa M, Benedek DM.
Public responses to the novel 2019 coronavirus (2019‐nCoV) in Japan: Mental health consequences and target populations
Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2020 Feb 8. doi: 10.1111/pcn.12988
Sasaki, Natsu and Kuroda, Reiko and Tsuno, Kanami and Kawakami,Norito,
Fear, Worry and Workplace Harassment Related to the COVID-19 Epidemic Among Employees in Japan: Prevalence and Impact on Mental and
Physical Health (4/2/2020). Available at SSRN: Lancet
Dahl, Eilif.
"Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak on the cruise ship Diamond Princess." International Maritime Health 71.1 (2020): 5-8.
Nakazawa, Eisuke, Hiroyasu Ino, and Akira Akabayashi. "Chronology of COVID-19 cases on the Diamond Princess cruise ship and ethical
considerations: a report from Japan." Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness (2020): 1-27.
Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences of Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology has just published a virtual issue on “Mental health issues associated with COVID-19 outbreak".
An interactive site providing COVID-19 resources in Russian and Kazakh languages
Staying Mental Healthy During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Combating Stress for Healthcare Workers during COVID-19 Outbreak
Mental Health and Wellbeing of Women during Pregnancy and Postpartum during COVID-19 (English)
Mental Health and Wellbeing of Women during Pregnancy and Postpartum during COVID-19 (Arabic)
Russian Society of Psychiatrists (RSP) has its own original articles and recommendations. Below are links to the corresponding sections of the RSP website:
Hospital psychiatric care: https://www.standardnepostupy.sk/postupy-pre-nemocnice/ (at website of Ministry of Health: only in Slovak language: Štandardný postup pre poskytovanie psychiatrickej zdravotnej starostlivosti v ústavných zariadeniach počas pandémie COVID-19)
http://standardnepostupy.sk/_files/200000480-5f24c5f24e/Štandardný%20postup%20pre%20poskytovanie%20ústavnej%20psychiatrickej%20starostlivosti%20počas%20pandémie%20COVID%20dňa%203.5.2020.pdf (website of Slovak psychiatric association).
Out-patient psychiatric care: https://www.standardnepostupy.sk/postupy-pre-ambulancie/ (website of Ministry of Health: only in Slovak language: Štandardný postup pre poskytovanie zdravotnej starostlivosti v psychiatrickej ambulancii pre dospelých počas pandémie COVID-19)
https://standardnepostupy.sk/_files/200000481-b2303b2309/Štandardný%20postup%20pre%20poskytovanie%20zdravotnej%20starostlivosti%20v%20psychiatrickej%20ambulancii%20pre%20dospelých%20počas%20pandémie%20COVID%20-%20verzia%202%20dňa%203.5.2020.pdf (website of Slovak psychiatric association).
Psychosocialna podpora pandemia - document providing information about psychosocial support for medical staff in COVID-19 pandemic – prepared by Slovak psychiatric association and is placed at: http://www.psychiatry.sk.
Management of in-patient and out-patient mental health services during COVID-19 pandemic in Slovakia
United Kingdom
Royal College of Psychiatrists || Guidance for Clinicians
Kings College London || Mental Health and Social Change in the Time of COVID-19
BBC News Article || Coronavirus: How to protect your mental health
Mind (UK non-profit): useful 'Take care of your mental health and well being' section including managing hand washing and anxiety, daily activities and anxiety more generally
The American Psychiatric Association: Coronavirus Resources
The National Alliance on Mental Illness
COVID-19 Resource and Information Guide
Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Managing stress and anxiety: ways of supporting others and taking care of yourself, including healthcare professionals and normalizing post-quarantine responses:
*Disclaimer: WPA reserves the right to select what is published in its COVID-19 resource library. Inclusion on this page should not be considered an endorsement of the information shared. WPA provides this library only as a means of sharing resources from, and between, its trusted partners. Any advice and recommendations on this page should be attributed directly to the document's author and are not necessarily the advice or recommendation of WPA.