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Expanding Mental Health Training in Primary Care


The need for expanding the capacity to provide mental health care to those in need is of concern to the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). It is unlikely the number of psychiatrists needed will ever be sufficient, in any country, to fulfill the clinical demand.

The WPA Section on Psychiatry, Medicine, and Primary Care is working with members around the globe to train non-psychiatrists, physicians and health care providers, to provide assessment and care to patients in need of mental health services. It is also working to establish a Section Centre to assist individuals and groups applying for extramural funding to develop and promote training for motivated health care providers.

Online training is in development to train non-psychiatrists in dealing with the current global opioid abuse epidemic. This training will be made available to medical students, and clinicians in other health care delivery fields, such as Dentistry, Pharmacy, Podiatry, and Advanced Practice Nursing.

Author: Prof. David Baron, Section Chair, Psychiatry, Medicine and Primary Care

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