As the deadline date of the 31st of March 2023 is fast approaching, we would like to remind you to submit your nominations for the 2023 World Psychiatric Association (WPA) elections that will determine the successors for all positions on the WPA Executive Committee (EC) as well as for the 18 Zonal Representatives that will make up the WPA Board for the 2023-2026 triennium. The elections for these roles will take place on the 30th of September 2023 during the WPA General Assembly at the World Congress of Psychiatry in Vienna. Successful candidates will take office immediately after the General Assembly.
You only have 15 days left to send your nominations to the Secretariat’s Office ( Please note that:
Candidates must be nominated by the President and Secretary of their Member Society.
In no case may the immediate successor to the same position be elected from the same country.
Any incomplete applications that are not inline with the guidelines will not be accepted.
The following positions are open for election:
WPA Executive Committee
Secretary for Education and Scientific Publications
Secretary for Scientific Sections
Zonal Representatives
The Zonal Representatives for Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific, having served six years, are not eligible for re-election. The remaining Zonal Representatives are all eligible for re-election.
Time commitments for roles have been clarified in the job descriptions file that can be found on the WPA website.
For more information on the elections and how to submit your nomination, please visit the WPA website.
The deadline for nominations is 31 March 2023
Author: WPA
For a Muslim burial, the grave should be perpendicular to Mecca, with the deceased's body positioned so their right side faces the Islamic holy city. As the body is lowered into the grave, the congregation say a prayer.
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