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President's New Year Message

Prof. Afzal Javed, President, WPA, gives his New Year Message and shares the WPA 2021 Annual Report

Dear Friends,

Greetings and Happy New Year from World Psychiatric Association (WPA)!

I know 2021 has been a difficult year for all of us. Uncertainty about the COVID situation, limitations in our travel and difficulties in getting connected have been the major issues that have affected our professional work during this year. However, this period has also given us some motivation and new insight to work under difficult circumstances and life continued despite all such problems.

I am pleased to share with you some of the work that WPA has been able to complete during 2021. Thanks to the Executive Committee, Council and Zonal representatives for their continuous support and dedication to keep WPA’s work as a priority in their personal and professional preferences. WPA components including our Member Societies, Affiliated Associations, Scientific Sections and 2020-23 Action Plan Working Groups were exceptionally great in keeping the momentum for their international work.

We have summarised some of our outstanding work that we have been able to complete during 2021 in our WPA Annual Report, which you can read here

When thinking about 2021 and WPA work, I wish all of us to continue to support us with enthusiasm and creativity. We are optimistic about the challenges that will undoubtedly come as the full impact on mental health following this pandemic, will be resolved. The WPA team is learning fast with the changes and looks forward with confidence to its future, remaining fully committed to fulfilling the WPA’s triennium’s goals! Let's shape the future of psychiatry and mental health together.

Prof. Afzal Javed

President, World Psychiatric Association

Author: Prof. Afzal Javed, President, WPA

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