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Psychiatric Association of Turkey, First step into psychiatry as a profession accompanied by colleag


First Step to the Profession Program (MİAP), which is launched by the Psychiatric Association of Turkey nine years ago, is organized yearly with the objective of providing the essential orientation to psychiatry for residents in their initial years. The program aims to contribute to the development of professional identity and competence in young colleagues, through basic knowledge and skills required in the early years of their carrier.  The program is integrated with a national scientific meeting, where it is possible to meet both senior and young colleagues from different clinics.

MİAP was held during 22nd Annual Meeting and Clinical Training Symposium of the PAT, which took place from 11th to 14th April. 130 residents in the first two-years of their psychiatry training from all over the country were recruited. Those who attend the program were also provided with a special grant, funded by PAT, which covers the registration and the hotel expenses for the Symposium.

Throughout the program, young residents attended lectures and joined group discussions where experienced psychiatrists were assigned as mentors. Groups were asked to prepare presentations on the topic they choose, applying the tips on effective presentation introduced in the program. The presentations themselves led to joyful shared memories. In groups, ethical principles were deliberated through diverse scenarios and each group was asked to produce a slogan about one principle. Also, common difficulties in patient-doctor relationship were elaborated through techniques of psychodrama.

The program has been successfully completed, already with plans for the next, in the light of the feedbacks collected from the mentors and participants.


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