WPA member, the Turkish Neuropsychiatric Society, has announced its new Executive and Ethics Committee members who assumed office on 11 January 2020.
Executive committee:
President: Assoc. Prof. Betül Yalçıner betul.yalciner@gmail.com
Vice-President: Prof. Peykan Gökalp gokalppeykan@gmail.com
Secretary General: Dr. Menekşe Sıla Yazar meneksesila@gmail.com
Treasurer: Dr. Sera Yiğiter Çetingök sera.cetingok@istanbul.edu.tr
Members: Prof. Neşe Tuncer nesetuncer@yahoo.com
Assoc. Prof. Özlem Devrim Balaban ozlemdevrimbalaban@gmail.com
Dr. Eren Yıldızhan erenyildizhan@hotmail.com
Ethics Committee:
Prof. Timuçin Oral
Prof. Alp Üçok
Prof. Hakan Gürvit
The society continues to host its annual meeting "Neuropsychiatry Days" as well as its Neuropsychiatric Case Discussions (4-6 times per year). In addition it publishes quarterly its Archives of Neuropsychiatry and biannually, its Bulletin of Neuropsychiatry.

Author: Dr. Menekşe Sıla Yazar, Secretary General, Turkish Neuropsychiatric Society