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Psychiatry & Human Sexuality

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The Section was founded by Prof. Ruben Hernandez (Venezuela) and Prof. Said Abdel Azim (Egypt) in Madrid in1996. Prof. António Palha (Portugal) then joined shortly after and collaborations with the World Association of Sexology (WAS) (presided by Dr. Kevan Wylie) and the European Federation of Sexology (EFS) (presided by Dr. Chiara  Simonelli) were quickly established. These collaborations enrich the Section with a wealth of expertise.





The Section collaborated in many publications with World Psychiatric Association (WPA) during the past 3 decades and has been very active with Human Sexuality Programmes in WPA Meetings and Congresses.

Human Sexuality team.jpg

Our most recent activity is the Sexual Disorders (SD) Course as part of Mental Health course led by a WPA initiative moderated by Prof. Afzal Javed and in collaboration with NCD Academy (authors Dr. Radwa Abdelazim Elfeqi (Section     Co- chair) and Dr. Adarsh Tripathi). The course aims to raise awareness of sexual disorders and widen the scope of knowledge and expertise for General Practitioners (GPs) in order to improve the diagnosis and management of such disorders as well as adequate referral (when required). 


More information about the Section can be read here.

Section Officers


Radwa Said Abdelazim

Psychiatry Consultant and Dance Movement Therapist

Cairo University Hospital - Psychiatry Department

Faculty of Medicine - Cairo/Egypt


Psychiatry and Creative Arts Therapies Unit

Founder and Chair 

Dar Al Salam Cancer Hospital


Cambridge Expressive Art Therapy CAGS Program

Lesley University 


Phone: +20 1001012 312 

IG: @abdelazimradwa



Sathynarayana Rao

JSS University, JSS Medical College and Hospital Department of Psychiatry No. 1111, 1 Floor, ‘B’ Block, M.G. Road Mysore - 570004 India
Phone: +91 821 2335187
Mobile: +91 9845282399
Dr Rao Photo pp.JPG


Avatar 98


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Upcoming Section Activities

The WPA Section on Psychiatry & Human Sexuality will be running two courses at WPA 24th World Congress of Psychiatry in Mexico (14-17th November)


Workshop 1: Creative Arts Therapies for Self-Care of Mental Health Professionals

Join Dr. Radwa Said Abdelazim, the Section's Chair, for a workshop on creative arts therapies for self-care of mental health professionals. This workshop will cover various modalities of creative arts therapies, including dance movement therapy, drama therapy, creative art, drawing, poetry, and musical vocalisation. Participants are encouraged to come in comfortable clothing and be ready to participate in experiential activities. 

You can learn more about the course here.


Workshop 2: Creative Arts Therapies for Intimacy and Sex Therapy

Take pare in this course on creative arts therapies for intimacy and sex therapy run by Dr. Radwa Said Abdelazim, the Section's Chair. This course will be conducted in both English and Spanish. The course will cover various topics, including an introduction to creative arts therapies, exploring different modalities, reviewing publications and evidence-based practices, and experiential exercises to explore couple dynamics and potential issues. Participants are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing and be ready to participate in the experiential activities.

You can learn more about the course here.

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The WPA is the global association representing 145 psychiatric societies in 121 countries, and bringing together more than 250,000 psychiatrists.  It promotes collaborative work in psychiatry through its 70+ scientific sections, education programs, publications and events. 
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