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Public Policy and Psychiatry

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Section Officers



Gabriella Cruz Ares

Doctor in the Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Department, Asklepios Westklinikum Hamburg



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Vivienne Miller


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Ann Faerden

Address:  Oslo University Hospital,
Acute psychiatryBuilding 32,
0407 Oslo, Norway 


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The World Psychiatric Association (WPA) Section for Public Policy and Psychiatry is engaged in how public policy and psychiatry influence each other. The section strives to illuminate public policy in mental health from an international perspective. In the past few years, we have been engaged in highlighting integration of mental health services, human rights and stigma. Our new challenge is a focus on a more environmental mental health and ecosystem perspective, which includes the importance of access to, and the healing effects of nature. In the public policy context, we want to work towards action on preventing and ameliorating the mental health impacts of climate change. And we also want to encourage a mental health ecosystem approach to planning our mental health services, as well as applying complexity science.


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