Personalized Psychiatry
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The Personalised Psychiatry Section of the World Psychiatric Association, through its network of international members, engages in scholarly and scientific activities designed to promote and educate on the possible role of personalized and precision medicine approach in psychiatry and mental health.
More specifically the Personalised Psychiatry Section:
Disseminates information about personalised/precision medicine approach in psychiatry through books, symposia and courses offered at international meetings and congresses.
Advancing scientific knowledge about personalised medicine in psychiatry through collaborative research and publications by its members of scientific papers supporting the validity of personalised medicine approach.
Promoting the development of “Personalised Medicine in Psychiatry” an Elsevier Journal launched in 2017 by Giampaolo Perna, Chair of the section, and Charles Nemeroff, co-Chair of the section.
Section Officers

Giampaolo Perna
Humanitas University, Via Rita Levi Montalcini 4, Pieve Emanuele (Milan), Italy & Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Villa San Benedetto Menni, Hermanas Hospitalarias
Via Roma 16 21020 Albese con Cassano (Como) Italy
Phone: +39 031 4291539

Charles B. Nemeroff
Address: Department of Psychiatry
Associate Dell Medical School | The University of Texas at Austin
Health Discovery Building (HDB), 1601 Trinity Street, Stop Z0600,
Office HDB 4.112,
Austin, Texas (78712-1873), United States of America
Phone:+ 1 512-495-5319

Alan F. Schatzberg
Address: Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Stanford University
School of Medicine
401 Quarry Road, Third Floor Stanford, CA 94305-5717 United States of America
Phone: +1 650 723 6811
Fax: +1 650 498 5294
>> Please click here to view the Section Member list.
>> Section Activities 2014-2020
>> For more information, visit: