Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
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The World Psychiatric Association Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (WPA-CAP) section, supports the overall mission and goals of the WPA, in:
working with its members and partners around the world to promote child and adolescent mental health and to encourage the highest possible standards of clinical practice and ethical behavior in child and adolescent psychiatry.
contributing to education programs and research, meetings, and publications to increase knowledge about child and adolescent mental disorders and skills in addressing them.
disseminating knowledge about evidence-based therapy and values-based practice in child and adolescent psychiatry.
being a voice for the dignity and human rights of young patients and their families
upholding the rights of child and adolescent psychiatrists where they may be challenged.
Under the leadership of the current Section Chair, Professor Anthony Guerrero (USA), the WPA-CAP section has convened work groups who represent multiple world regions, who publish papers in various international peer-reviewed journals (see below as a sample list), and who present at various international scientific forums, including the WPA, the International Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions, the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. The work groups evaluate and optimize training and workforce development especially in parts of the world where child and adolescent psychiatrists are in short supply, address the needs of children and adolescents worldwide who are vulnerable to health and mental health disparities, and provide mutual support to colleagues worldwide as we face multiple challenges (including the COVID-19 pandemic) in common.
One of the most important activities of the section is a peer-reviewed e-journal, World Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (World CAP), which welcomes all international submissions and which is completely free to submit to, publish in, and read. World CAP has provided a forum for trainees throughout the world, for specialists in other disciplines, and for internationally renowned thought leaders in child and adolescent psychiatry to make their voices heard to the membership. It has published articles on child and adolescent psychiatric practice in the midst of scarce resources, on the mental health of indigenous youth, and on many other urgent and important topics.
For further details on the proud history of the WPA-CAP section, please refer to an excellent article by Professor Helmut Remschmidt (Germany) from the September 2020 issue of World CAP.
Section members

Anthony Guerrero
Address: Child and Adolescent Mental Psychiatry Division,
University of Hawaii, John A. Burns School of Medicine,
Manoa 651 Ilalo Street, 96813 Honolulu,
Hawaii, USA

Vlatka Boričević Maršanić
Zagreb Child and Youth Protection Center
Dorđićeva 26, Zagreb, Croatia

Flávio Dias Silva
Address: Federal University of Tocantins, Palmas Medical School
Quadra 109 Norte, Av. NS 15, ALCNO-14, Bloco BALA II, sala 11.
Plano Director Norte - CEP 77001-090 - Palmas/TO/Brazil
>> Please click here to see the Section Members list
The Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Section Bill of Rights 2020-2023
You can read the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Section Bill of Rights 2020-2023 here.
World Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Issue 27, January 2025
Issue 26, September 2024
Issue 25, December 2023
Issue 24, September 2023
Issue 23, December 2022
Issue 22, September 2022
Issue 21, December 2021
Issue 20, September 2021
Issue 19, December 2020
Issue 18, September 2020
Issue 17, December 2019
Issue 16, September 2019
Issue 15, December 2018
Issue 14, August 2018
Issue 13, December 2017
Issue 12, August 2017
Issue 11, December 2016
Issue 10, June 2016
Issue 9, December 2015
Issue 8, June 2015
Issue7, December 2014
Issue 6, April 2014
Issue 5, October 2013
Issue 4, May 2013
Issue 3, December 2012
Issue 2, July 2012
Issue 1, March 2012
Selected Publications (2021-2023)
Yu Y, Liu J, Skokauskas N, Liu F, Zhang L, Teng T, Zou Y, Lyu Q, Liu R, Liu X, Meng H, Zhou X (2023). Prevalence of depression and anxiety, and associated factors, among Chinese primary and high school students: A cross-sectional, epidemiological study. Asia Pac Psychiatry. Jan 3:e12523. doi: 10.1111/appy.12523. Goto R., Pinchuk I., Kolodezhny O., Pimenova N., Skokauskas N. (2023). Mental health services in Ukraine during the early phases of the 2022 Russian invasion. Br J Psychiatry. Dec 2:1-6. Jadhav M., Shaligram D., Bernstein B., DeJong S., Hunt J., Ong S.H., Guerrero A., Skokauskas N. (2023). Five Lessons for Effectively Transitioning Problem-Based Learning to Online Delivery. Int. Med. Educ., 2, 35–40. Goto R., Okubo Y., Skokauskas N. (2022). Reasons and trends in youth's suicide rates during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lancet Reg Health West Pac. Aug 11;27:100567. doi: 10.1016/j.lanwpc.2022.100567. Goto R., Guerrero A.P.S., Speranza M., Fung D., Paul C., Skokauskas N. (2022). War is a public health emergency. Lancet. Mar 21. Shaligram D., Bernstein B., DeJong S., Guerrero A.P.S., Hunt J., Jadhav M., Ong SH, Robertson P., Seker A., Skokauskas N. "Building" the Twenty-First Century Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist. Acad Psychiatry. (2022). Feb;46(1):75-81. Skokauskas N., Leventhal B., Cardeli E.L., Belfer M., Kaasbøll J., Cohen J. (2022). Supporting children of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, Jul 18:1-2. Stecher Nielsen M., Clausen C.E., Hirota T., Kumperscak H., Guerrero A., Kaneko H., Skokauskas N. (2021). A comparison of child and adolescent psychiatry in the Far East, the Middle East, and Southeast Europe. Asia Pac Psychiatry. Oct 17;e12490.doi: 10.1111/appy.12490 Goto R., Frodl T., Skokauskas N. (2021). Armed Conflict and Early Childhood Development in 12 Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Pediatrics, August, e2021050332; DOI: Akselberg Iversen S., Nalugya N., Babirye J., Engebretsen I., Skokauskas N. (2021). Child and adolescent mental health services in Uganda. Int J Ment Health Syst. Aug 3;15(1):66. Khanal K.P., Anagnostopoulou N., Aleksic B., Anagnostopoulos D.C., Skokauskas N. Strengthening CAMHS and reducing child and adolescent mental health inequalities in Europe (2021). Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. May 13. doi: 10.1007/s00787-021-01788-5 Pinchuk I., Yachnik Y., Kopchak O., Avetisyan K., Gasparyan K., Ghazaryan G., Chkonia E., Panteleeva L., Guerrero A., Skokauskas N. (2021) The Implementation of the WHO Mental Health Gap Intervention Guide (mhGAP-IG) in Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia and Kyrgyz Republic. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Apr 21;18(9):4391. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18094391. Sampaio F., Feldman I., Lavelle T.A., Skokauskas N. (2021). The cost-effectiveness of treatments for attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder in children and adolescents: a systematic review. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. Mar 9. doi: 10.1007/s00787-021-01748-z. Herrman H., Chkonia E., Pinchuk I., Javed A., Sartorius N., Skokauskas N., van Voren R. (2021). The WPA responds rapidly to a mental health crisis: the Ukrainian example. World Psychiatry. Feb; (1):147-148. Iversen S.A., Ogallo B., Belfer M., Fung D., Hoven C.W., Carswell K., Skokauskas N. (2021). Enhancing mental health pre-service training with the WHO mhGAP Intervention Guide: experiences learned and the way forward. Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health. 11;15(1):1.
Selected Publications (2018-2020)
Skokauskas N., Fung D., Flaherty L.T., von Klitzing K., Pūras D., Servili C., Dua T., Falissard B., Vostanis P., Moyano M.B., Feldman I., Clark C., Boričević V., Patton G., Leventhal B., Guerrero A. (2019). Shaping the future of child and adolescent psychiatry. Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health. Apr 11; 13:19. Skokauskas N., Leventhal B., Cardeli E.L., Belfer M., Kaasbøll J., Cohen J. (2020). Supporting children of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, Jul 18:1-2. Chaulagain A., Pacione L., Abdulmalik J., Hughes P., Kopchak O., Chumak S., Mendoza J., Avetisyan K., Ghazaryan G., Gasparyan K., Chkonia E., Servili C., Chowdhury N., Pinchuk I., Belfar M., Guerrero A., Panteleeva L., Skokauskas N. (2020). WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme Intervention Guide (mhGAP-IG): the first pre-service training study (2020). Int J Ment Health Syst. Jun 29; 14:47. Clausen C.E., Bazaid K., Azeem M.W., Abdelrahim F., Elgawad A., Alamiri B., AlAnsari A.M., Alhamzawi A., Al Mai A.M., Bakhiet A.M., Bashtawi M., Çuhadaroğlu F., Hedar M., Holdar M., Jabr S., Jafri A.S., Jumaian A., Moussa S., Osman A.H., Razjouyan K., Yanes E., Guerrero A., Skokauskas N. (2020). Child and adolescent psychiatry training and services in the Middle East region: a current status assessment. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 29(1):51-61. Skokauskas N., Chonia E., van Voren R., Delespaul P., Germanavicius A., Keukens R., Pinchuk I., Schulze M., Koutsenok I., Herrman H., Javed A, Sartorius N., Thornicroft G. Ukrainian mental health services and World Psychiatric Association Expert Committee recommendations. Lancet Psychiatry. 2020 Sep;7(9):738-740. Kumperscak H., Clausen C., Anagnostopoulos D., Barac Otasevic Z., Boricevic Marsanic V., Burgic M., Como A., Nussbaum L., Pejovic Milovancevic M., Raleva M., Sartorius N., Shahini M., Terziev D., Skokauskas N. (2020). Child and adolescent psychiatry training and mental health care in Southeast Europe. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. Jan;29(1):29-39. Hirota T., Guerrero A., Sartorius N., Fung D., Leventhal B., Ong S.H., Kaneko H., Apinuntavech S., Bennett A., Bhoomikumar J., Cheon K.A., Davaasuren O., Gau S., Hall B., Koren E., Nguyen T., Oo T., Tan S., Tateno M., Thikeo M., Wiguna T., Wong M., Zheng Y., Skokauskas N. (2019). Child and adolescent psychiatry in the Far East: A 5-year follow up on the Consortium on Academic Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the Far East (CACAP-FE) study. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. Feb;73(2):84-89. Hodes M., Anagnostopoulos D., Skokauskas N. (2018). Challenges and opportunities in refugee mental health: clinical, service, and research considerations. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. Apr; 27 (4):385-388. Hodes M., Vasquez M.M., Anagnostopoulos D., Triantafyllou K., Abdelhady D., Weiss K., Koposov R., Cuhadaroglu F., Hebebrand J., Skokauskas N. (2018). Refugees in Europe: national overviews from key countries with a special focus on child and adolescent mental health. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. Apr; 27(4):389-399.
Past & Upcoming Child & Adolescent-Related Events
2023 ESCAP (European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry) Congress
When: 29th June to 1st July 2023
Where: Copenhagen
Other Child & Adolescent-Related Activities
The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Initiative in the UK - led by Prof. Gordana Milavić Davies (the Section's former Secretary)

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