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Other Health Professionals

Science & Education / Education / Other Health Professionals

Recognized Post-Graduate Courses offered by other Academic Institutions 

King’s College London:


Institute of Psychiatry,

Psychology &


University of Melbourne:


Diploma of International Psychiatry


Educational Programs on Depression

Slide set based on the WPA Educational Programme on Depression

WPA/PTD Program on Depressive Disorders

Depression for Persons with Physical Illness

Slide set based on the WPA volume DEPRESSION AND DIABETES

Slide set based on the WPA volume DEPRESSION AND CANCER

Slide set based on the WPA volume DEPRESSION AND HEART DISEASE


Module 1 : Clinical Presentation

Module 2: Pathophysiological Mechanisms

Module 3 : Treatment

Module 4 : Case Vignettes

Social Phobia

WPA educational programme on social phobia was made possible by the guidance and expertise of the WPA social phobia task force.

Prof. J. A. Costa e Silva, Brazil


Prof. J. Angst, Switzerland 

Dr. J. Davidson, USA 

Prof. M. Keller, USA 

Prof. J-P Lépine, France 

Dr. M. Liebowitz, USAProf.

J. J. Lopez-Ibor, Spain 

Prof. S. Montgomery, UK 

Prof. R. Priest, UK

Dr. J. Siegel, USA

ICD 10 Training Kit - (in collaboration with WHO)

              Read More>

Personality Disorder

WPA International Guidelines for Diagnostic Assessment (IGDA)

About WPA
The WPA is the global association representing 145 psychiatric societies in 121 countries, and bringing together more than 250,000 psychiatrists.  It promotes collaborative work in psychiatry through its 70+ scientific sections, education programs, publications and events. 
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