Early Career Psychiatrists
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The World Psychiatric Association (WPA) Section of Early Career Psychiatrists aims to represent and support psychiatric trainees/residents and early career psychiatrists across the world.
In 2003, the WPA Executive Committee created the Young Psychiatrists Council, targeting all trainees and early career psychiatrists registered in national psychiatric associations. Later, in 2009 this was restructured as the WPA Early Career Psychiatrists Council, with one representative nominated for a term of three years by each WPA Member Society. In 2014, a group of early career psychiatrists proposed the creation of a WPA Early Career Psychiatrists Section, and in 2015 the Section was established (Pinto da Costa, 2020).
WPA early career psychiatrist section membership
overarching term, as it represents and supports both psychiatric trainees/residents and early career psychiatrists (up to seven years after becoming specialists in psychiatry)
no age limit
no financial membership cost
For further information and to contact the Section of Early Career Psychiatrists, please e-mail: wpa.ecp.section@gmail.com

Mariana Pinto da Costa
Address: Hospital de Magalhães Lemos, Porto, Portugal,
Unit for Social and Community Psychiatry Queen Mary University of London,
London, UK
E-mail: mariana.pintodacosta@gmail.com
Fairouz Tawfik
Address: Institute of Psychiatry,
Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
E-mail: fairouz.tawfik8587@gmail.com


Mariana Santos
Address: Center for Drug and Alcohol Reserach,
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul,
Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Brazil
E-mail: marianapaimsantos@gmail.com
>> Please click here to see the ECP Section Board.
>> Please click here to see the ECP Membership List.
Pinto da Costa M. Early career psychiatrists - history, 2020 and beyond. World Psychiatry. 2020 Feb;19(1):127-128. doi: 10.1002/wps.20712.