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Preventive Psychiatry

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The Section of Preventive Psychiatry brings together a global network of psychiatrists and psychiatry trainees undertaking research, teaching/ learning, clinical practice, and a diverse range of actions framed by a mental health promotion and preventive approach.


The Section’s main goal is to contribute to the development of strong, thriving, inclusive, and diverse communities, taking a multi-factorial, multi-level approach to mental health. It aims to prevent the occurrence and reduce the incidence and impact of mental health disorders worldwide and advance mental health promotion oriented and evidence-based programs and practices. Through a broad scope of action, the Section promotes discussion, research, teaching, practice, action, and dissemination of evidence-based information focused on preventing mental disorders and increasing people’s control over the elements that determine their mental health and wellbeing.

Section Officers


Olga Karpenko

Mental-health Clinic No. 1 named after N.A. Alexeev
Zagorodnoe shosse 2, Moscow, Russia


Uttam Garg - Secretary - Preventive Psyc

Uttam Garg

Address: Garg Medical Complex M G Road Dhakran Crossing Agra 282010 India 
Phone: +91 9837063178



Rodrigo Ramalho

Address: The University of Auckland,
Private Bag 92019,
Auckland 1142,
New Zealand

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