Survey 2022: Alternatives to coercion in
mental health care

WPA consultation on Implementing Alternatives to Coercion: A Key Component of Improving Mental Health Care
About this survey
In 2020, the World Psychiatric Association issued a Position Statement and Call to Action on Implementing Alternatives to Coercion in Mental Health Care. This survey seeks information and advice from your country/region to determine how the WPA can best support this Call to Action across the globe.
The survey is designed to spark conversations within WPA Member Societies and Associations. It will be open for several months to allow the questions asked here to be discussed with as broad a range of your membership base as possible.
Member Societies and Associations are encouraged to form an Alternatives to Coercion leadership group to expedite discussion and action. Such a group could lead reflection and response to this survey, as well as establish a point of contact between the WPA Working Group and people in your country/region who are working for change.
Completing this survey
To respond to this survey, please:
Download the full Position Statement and Call to Action here.
Download the printable version of this survey here.
Discuss with as many members of your Society or Association as possible.
Complete this online survey form with a single response that reflects the information and ideas your Society/Association has gathered.
If Google Forms is not available in your country, please send your responses by email
For more information about implementing alternatives to coercion in mental health care, please download this list of Tools and Resources.
This survey will remain open until 15th May 2023.
The WPA Working Group on Implementing Alternatives to Coercion is keen to hear your experiences and ideas. Please note that the final survey question is completely open to encourage your Society/Association to share comments and suggestions without restriction.
You can view the online survey here.