WPA Webinars || Early Intervention in Low Resource Settings – Findings from the WIC (Warwick – India - Canada) Project**
10th December 2021, 13:00-15:00 GMT (2 hour webinar) ________________________________________________________________
With the next webinar in the WPA Early Intervention Webinar Series 2021 fast approaching, it is timely to introduce the global experts who will be presenting and sharing their knowledge on this important topic.
The second webinar of the series, titled ‘Early Intervention in Low Resource Settings – Findings from the WIC (Warwick – India - Canada) Project**’ will be opened by Dr. Afzal Javed, President of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA), and chaired by Prof. Swaran Singh. The event will focus on the WIC programme of work** and will include presentations by five internationally acclaimed academic researchers and clinicians who will explore the theme from different perspectives. Here is a little more about the Chair and each presenter:
Prof. Swaran Singh (Chair)
Prof Singh is a Professor in Psychiatry at Warwick Medical School, and Director of Centre for Mental Health & Wellbeing Research at University of Warwick. He has an extensive and international track record of delivering high-quality, high impact research in psychotic disorders and youth mental health. His research in the 1990s demonstrated that deinstitutionalisation had not improved early psychosis outcomes as the community teams lacked the necessary specialist skills. He co-led the development of Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) services, setting up the first NHS service in London in 2001 which was acclaimed by users, carers and policy makers including the Deputy Prime Minister’s Social Exclusion Unit for improving the functional outcomes in FEP. His work in mental health legislation, specifically ethnicity and detention, community treatment orders and mental capacity provided evidence for the parliamentary debate and the subsequent Mental Health Act 2007. He is the director of the WIC Network.
Prof. Rakesh K Chadda (AIIMS, New Delhi, India) Presentation: ‘Protocol-based care for first episode psychosis’
Prof. Rakesh Chadda is a Professor of Psychiatry, AIIMS, New Delhi. He is the head of the department of Psychiatry at AIIMS. He is a Past President, Indian Association for Social Psychiatry and Indian Psychiatric Society, North Zone; and Secretary General, Indian Association for Social Psychiatry. He is a Distinguished International Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. He is also a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists of UK and the National Academy of Medical Sciences (India). With expertise in caregiver burden in schizophrenia and bipolar disorders, pathways to care, preventive psychiatry and psychiatric rehabilitation, Prof. Chadda has been a recipient of 11 national awards in psychiatry including ICMR’s Tilak Venkoba Rao Award, NAMS’s Dr. Vimla Virmani Award and Indian Psychiatric Society’s DLN Murthy Rao Oration. Prof. Chadda has more than 175 publications to his credit including 4 books.
Dr. R Thara (SCARF, Chennai, India) Presentation: ‘Early detection of mental illness through school-based screening’
Dr. Thara Rangaswamy is a psychiatrist by training, the co-Founder and Vice Chairman, of a not-for-profit NGO called SCARF (Schizophrenia Research Foundation) in the city of Chennai in Tamil Nadu. SCARF is a premier centre offering treatment and rehabilitation for the mentally ill. She was also responsible for the development of a tool called IDEAS which is officially used to measure disability in schizophrenia. She has over 180 peer reviewed publications. She is on the Advisory Committee to the Director General of the World Health Organization, Geneva and on the editorial Board of several reputed journals including the Schizophrenia Bulletin. She is the first Indian to win an award from the Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS) for her research in clinical and community psychiatry in 2021.
Prof. Jason Madan (University of Warwick, UK) Presentation: Health Economics of Early Intervention Services
Prof. Madan is a Professor in Health Economics at Warwick Medical School, and Director of Graduate Research Studies for the School. His research involves the application of economic methods to health technology assessment in a wide range of clinical settings, including cancer, mental health, and tuberculosis. He is particularly interested in the use of decision modelling and Bayesian methods to inform health policy. His current responsibility as director of PGR programmes builds on his experience of developing and delivering health economics training for both specialists and non-specialists, and his enthusiasm for encouraging and supporting postgraduate research students.
Prof. Graeme Currie (University of Warwick, UK) Presentation: Implementation Science in LMICs
Prof. Graeme Currie is Professor of Public Management at Warwick Business School and leads on implementation science research across many National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) bids, including the WICS programme of research. He works closely with a range of colleagues in Warwick Medical School concerned with long-term conditions in doing so. His research interests centre around leadership, strategy, human resource management and innovation in health and social care. He publishes mainly in leading business and management journals, such as Academic of Management Journal and Journal of Management Studies, but does cross over to health services research journals, such as Social Science and Medicine and various British Medical Journal publications. Prior to becoming an academic Prof. Graeme worked in organisation development for a car manufacturer and the NHS.
Dr. Srividya Iyer (McGill University, Canada). Presentation: Early Intervention Services in global context: new frontiers
Dr. Srividya Iyer is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and an Associate Member of the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Her interests are in the design and delivery of mental health services and learning health systems; cognitive-behavioural therapy; mindfulness-based approaches; clinical supervision; and programme leadership. Dr. Srividya contributes to several other youth- and early intervention-focused services, research and capacity-building efforts in Canada and globally, especially in India. Dr. Srividya’s work focuses on youth mental health and early intervention, especially for psychosis. She leads ACCESS Open Minds, a pan-Canadian network of 250+ diverse stakeholders that is seeking to transform mental healthcare for urban, rural, Indigenous, post-secondary and homeless youths across Canada. In 2017, Dr. Srividya won the Principal’s Prize for Outstanding Emerging Researchers and the Maude Abbott Prize for outstanding research accomplishments. She was also inducted into the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists of the Royal Society of Canada, and named on the inaugural list of Canadian Women leaders in Global Health. In 2021, she was elected Vice-President of the International Association for Youth Mental Health.
Don't miss out on this informative online webinar on 10th December 2021, 13:00-15:00 GMT
WPA, together with the NIHR, is pleased to offer this webinar free to join. Attendees can receive a WPA CPD Certificate on completion of the webinar for a fee of USD $15.
If you missed the first webinar in the "Early Intervention" series, titled: “Early Intervention in Psychosis – A Global Perspective” on Friday the 5th of November, a recording is now available for viewing on WPA’s Education Portal here.
**This project is funded by the NIHR [NIHR Global Health Research Group on Psychosis Outcomes: the Warwick-India-Canada {WIC} Network, The University of Warwick (16/137/107)
Author: WPA Education Coordinator