The Committee of our Section has been meeting monthly since the beginning of 2018, focusing on developing collaboration with different WPA sections and organizations, planning publications involving international contributors and supporting section members in proposing symposia on philosophy and humanities at international meetings including the upcoming World Congress of Psychiatry in Mexico in September.
MAJOR ACADEMIC EVENT OF THE YEAR Our Section is one of the major support organizations for the the 20th Annual Conference of International Network for Philosophy & Psychiaty (INPP), which is being held in Hong Kong on 4-6 October 2018 and hosted by the Section of History Philosophy & Ethics of Psychiatry (SHPEP) of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP). Our Section sees this as the major academic event of 2018, being the first INPP conference ever held in Asia. Our Section Secretary Michael Wong is the Chair of the Organizing and Scientific Program Committees. The dedicated website for this conference has been online at www.inpp2018.com since February and includes a call for abstract and details of registration and speakers as well as other helpful information.